Right-click the work bat for Windows and choose Task Manager.I’ve noticed this many times while in Windows 10 I move between headphones and speakers. Often the volume control may stop functioning while flipping between devices. Related post: How to Play Sound Through Speakers and HeadphonesĪs an added benefit, Windows 10 remembers each device’s performance speeds. Choose the system you want to use and Windows will automatically turn performance. I press the arrow up to the right and in the second picture you see a list identical to that. Choose your desired performance from the list that exists.Click the little up arrow right on the audio output system you are actually using.Press on the Windows taskbar on the tiny speaker icon next to the clock.
Make sure all headphones and speakers are attached and activated to your computer. How to switch between speakers and headphones Of course, you should all be able to plug in a sound system and make it function, so if you do not you will be able to slow in and save this guide. Drivers may collide, Windows can misread any sound like another and you may need to dig in the sound settings and see what is occurring exactly. Setting up Windows sound systems may be a messy job.